Makeup Class Request

Please fill out the form below as soon as you know you will be needing to reserve a makeup class. Please note that dancers may attend a makeup class prior to the missed class. Planning ahead will provide the highest possibility of attending the makeup class of your choice, as many classes are at, or near capacity so early notification will allow us to take into consideration full classes where an anticipated absence may yield an opening for a makeup.

Please be ready to provide:

  1. Class(es) your dancer will be missing (date, genre, day/time)
  2. Your preferred makeup class (please include the day/time for the makeup class or the specific date if you are not flexible on the week of the makeup class). Click here to access the current class schedule. NOTE: Please only request green classes, as classes in red are full. 

When we have finalized the makeup class(es) for your dancer, we will email you to let you know and you will be able to see the class in the online portal as a double check that your dancer has been officially registered into the makeup class.  Please do not show up to a makeup class you requested unless you have received a reservation confirmation from the front desk.